If a woman wants to enter a mans world, what is she to expect? Not men? If a man enters a womans world, what is he to expect? Not women?
Why are we getting offended therewith? Say I have a relative, especially a female, volnerable and close relative such as a wife, daugter or mother and they need to overnight in a hospital, do I want a man or a woman to care for them? Certainly rather a woman! Nothing against a man also working there, but surely I would be more comfortable with a woman!
If however need to go tree felling, would you rather go with a group of women and only one guy or rather go with a group of guys and perhaps the odd woman? Certainly rather with the group of men!
There will always be the odd situation where a man or woman find themselves in a field dominated by the opposite sex, and there is nothing wrong with that, however what is wrong, is to brainwash men into feeling guilty for doing what they were designed to do, for dominating their field, performing their jobs well and being proud thereof. The same applies to women, who should not be marginalized for the fields they dominate. If we can all just do what we are supposed to do, everything will be done extremely well because everything is done by the hands that were designed and skilled to perform exactly those tasks.
Let’s not allow the evil one to get between us, falsely accuse each other, and cause us to fight amonst ourselves because of it.