A woman’s life often begins at 18; A man’s truly only starts around 28. Women naturally blossom in their youth, embracing life’s opportunity early on. The head of the girl’s family, her father, guides and grooms her into the greatest gift he can ever give. A wife to his future son in law, a service…
The “not good” situation
Why do Doctors destroy health?Well, the healthier people are, the less money hospitals make. Pharmaceuticals and hospitals pay doctors not only to refer patients to their treatments but also to validate and legitimize the enormous fees they charge. Working together, they extort families during vulnerable times of medical emergency – why would they forfeit their…
The evil of gender role confusion
If a woman wants to enter a mans world, what is she to expect? Not men? If a man enters a womans world, what is he to expect? Not women? Why are we getting offended therewith? Say I have a relative, especially a female, volnerable and close relative such as a wife, daugter or mother…
Perspective on expectations
I asked for strength – Yahuah gave me difficulties to make me strongI asked for wisdom – Yahuah gave me problems to solveI asked for courage – Yahuah gave me dangers to overcomeI asked for love – Yahuah gave me troubled people to help Isa55:9 – For as the heavens are higher than the earth,…
The mystery of language
What is language? Is it the sounds our mouth makes or the letters we write? I would like to take a step back and argue that both the sounds we make with our mouths and the letters we write are actually rather methods instead of substance, because both, the sounds as well as the letters…
The Personal Assistant whom I serve
Imagine your spouse not as the better version to yourself, but rather as an upmarket version of a personal assistant. This spouse is good with everything you are not, fills in where you fall short. Men and Women are not the same, but they are perfect opposites in all regards. Men focus on key elements,…
Let Man Be Man And Woman Be Woman
It is a naive sort of feminism that insists that woman prove their ability to do all the things that men do. This is a distortion and a travesty. Men have never sought to prove that they can do all the things women do. Why subject women to purely masculine criteria? Woman can and ought…
The question on rights
There is no greater inequality than the equal treatment of unequals. Have a very good look at the above picture and give it a think. Should the baby monkey be happy to be alive? Should the cheetah apologize for being a cheetah and do what cheetah’s do? Who is right and who is wrong? Could…
Perhaps Love – by John Denver
Perhaps love is like a resting place, a shelter from the stormIt exists to give you comfort, it is there to keep you warmAnd in those times of trouble when you are most aloneThe memory of love will bring you home Perhaps love is like a window, perhaps an open doorIt invites you to come…
Respect and love in marriage – Wife’s perspective
A husband does not need to earn the resprect of his wife any more than a wife needs to earn the love of her husband. A wife ought to respect her husband because he is her husband, just as a husband ought to love and honor his wife for the simple fact that she is…