Imagine your spouse not as the better version to yourself, but rather as an upmarket version of a personal assistant.
This spouse is good with everything you are not, fills in where you fall short. Men and Women are not the same, but they are perfect opposites in all regards.
Men focus on key elements, women fill in everything else. Men hunt for meat, plant for wheat and chop wood for shelter and heat. Those are the key elements and men provide these reliably in a semi-autonomous mode, similar to a donkey in a cart. It’s hard work, but Men don’t mind it, because the task fits their ability. This is their role they were geared to fulfill, just as Yahuah has intended in his great design.
Women take it from here. Their tasks and abilities are defined way broader and include supernatural abilities such as converting something rough and raw into something fine, enjoyable and precious. Much like leaves turning sunlight into fructose. Interestingly, like men, woman don’t mind their part, but excel in remembering, caring, attending and fulfilling every minute detail there could possibly be in order to achieve the most splendid of outcomes.
This perfect harmony is the rhythm which not only enables, but also authenticates the most pure and legitimate form of intimacy. The sense of belonging, of self fulfillment and of devotion. Both sides are sold out and rely solely on each other, terminating and denying all other options.
There is no back door, neither a plan B. Just two individuals who embrace their individualities, never with the thought of achieving goals ignorantly or independent from each another, but always in perfect harmony according to the creators accord.